Conquer Your Job Search

A complete guide to the modern job search, from A to Z. Taught by a former recruiter who has seen what works - and what doesn't.

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Do you feel like you're no longer running your job search, and it's pretty much running you? Well, you're not alone, and I'm here to help.

I developed the Conquer Your Job Search after spending 8 years in Recruiting and HR and after 3 years of working with clients to land jobs they love.

This course takes everything I've learned and brings it all together in one place. There's a lot of information out there on job searching but it can be contradictory and overwhelming. We're going to break it all down.

By the end of the course you'll go from a frustrated job seeker to a strategic, competitive candidate.

Let's take control of this unwieldy process, once and for all.



This course is the perfect fit for you if...

  • You're ready to kick off a new job search or you're not getting the results you want in an existing one
  • You don't have the time or energy to spin your wheels or throw spaghetti at the wall - you'd rather learn how to do this the right way and be on your way to landing your next great gig
  • You're ready to take the next step in your career or even make a career shift and do something that makes you happier
  • You're being selective because you want to land a high-quality role that's a great fit for you personally
  • You're not afraid to put in the work, but also love the concept of working smarter and not harder

Course Curriculum

  Course Overview & Workbook
Available in days
days after you enroll


"Preparing for a job search is certainly a process and with so much information out there, I found it difficult to decipher the best way to approach my next career move. Finding Jaime and going through the Conquer Your Job Search course has completely changed my outlook and I am now realizing my dream jobs are within my reach.

While still attending to a demanding day job, the program helped me to organize my thoughts, prepare amazing content and take critical steps to networking with the companies I want to work for most. I have never received so many responses and felt so empowered in my job search.

After experiencing the benefits of Jaime’s guidance, I opted for additional one-on-one time and she has been an incredible mentor. Jaime has given me tailored advice, and is always available whenever I am in need of guidance. I will forever be grateful that I found Jaime and this course!"

Rachel D. - Course Participant

"I've been at the same company for nine years and was getting ready to start the job search process. One day, while feeling stuck and seeking advice on resumes and cover letters, I stumbled across Jaime's website, The Prepary. I needed guidance on how to update my resume, what new tools were out there for job searching, and how to network. I soon became part of her beta group for her "Conquer Your Job Search" course.

Through this course, I have learned so much about what has changed in the job search process from how to utilize LinkedIn to just how important networking truly is. The straight-forward, easy to understand setup of the modules, with a lecture portion from Jaime and worksheets and exercises have helped the job search process seem less scary and more succinct.

Each module is designed to walk you step by step through the job search process literally from A to Z. Through this course I am more confident in my job search materials, their presentation and my ability to both network and interview."

Amanda B. - Course Participant

"Searching for a job can be an overwhelming and frustrating experience. I didn't even know where to start and ended up doing nothing to move me forward. The Conquer Your Job Search course breaks down the job search process and debunks the myths that previously left me spinning my wheels.

The step by step videos and materials have helped me revamp my resume and the weekly office hours have kept me accountable to achieving my job search goals. I would highly recommend this course if you want to stop thinking about looking for a new job and start making progress!"

Jerilyn L. - Course Participant

"In the Conquer Your Job Search course Jaime shares insider knowledge of the recruiting process that will help you become a more competitive, efficient and confident job seeker. She does a great job of breaking down each step of the job search process to make it less overwhelming. Her weekly live office hours are invaluable, even in a group setting they still have a personal feel because Jaime is invested in helping everyone reach their job search goals. She is truly creating an online community as the office hours are an opportunity to learn from the other participants as well.

As someone looking to make a career shift I always struggled with connecting the dots between my current experience in a variety of different roles with what I want to do next. During office hours Jaime helped me to identify the skills I should be emphasizing and shared tips on how to use the experience I have to position myself as the best candidate possible. She inspired me to think more creatively and it has without a doubt helped me to improve both my job search materials and personal brand. Equally as important, Jaime knows how to get applications noticed - after less than a month of applying her networking tactics in my search I landed two interviews!"

Shelley T. - Course Participant


Hey, I'm Jaime! I spent 8 years in Recruiting & Talent roles before founding my business The Prepary.

After hiring hundreds of people at super-competitive companies like JPMorgan and Tory Burch, I noticed a lack of tell-it-like-it-is advice for the job search process.

Knowing first-hand what separated good candidates from truly great ones, I decided to launch The Prepary, an online resource and consulting service sharing this exact type of advice.

My thoughts on this topic have been featured in Business Insider, Forbes, Fast Company, Refinery 29, Levo League, The Muse, Career Contessa, and The Everygirl (to name a few) and I also teach a Career Development course at LIM College in NYC.

In the three years since founding my business I've helped hundreds of clients land jobs they love. Doing this has made me even more excited to scale this advice beyond one-on-one sessions and sparked the idea for this course!


Frequently Asked Questions

How will this course enable me to land a job?
This course will take you step by step through every component of job searching. After each and every lesson, you'll also receive additional resources, templates, scripts, and exercises that will help you execute on each step. This course will make you a better candidate and more strategic job seeker. And better candidates, land better jobs -- and they do it faster!
What if I have a question that's specific to my personal situation?
You probably will! I know from working with hundreds of clients that every job search comes with its own nuances. That's exactly why this course comes with weekly online office hours. You can attend any week you'd like and ask your individual questions. If you can't make it you can also submit your question ahead of time and review the transcript at your convenience.
I think I may also need some one-on-one support
No problem! There is also the option to add on 1 or 2 hours of one-on-one consulting with me directly, which can be used to review your job search materials, help you prep for an interview, or discuss any other issues that come up that are specific to your search. Buying those sessions when you enroll also means you're getting them at a 15% discount as a course participant.
What if I decide I want to add the consulting sessions later on when something specific comes up?
You can add on hourly consulting services at any time at - however, the only way to get the course discount is to purchase them as part of the course.
What if things start to take off in my job search but I'm still working through the modules?
I hope they do! Job searches are pretty unpredictable which is why all of the modules are released to you up front at the time of purchase. If you land an interview, skip right over to module 5 and focus on prepping for it. If you land an offer, head over to module 6 and learn how to negotiate. Job searches are not always linear so flexibility is a must.
When does the course start and finish?
You'll have access to the full course right when you enroll and it won't end until you've fully reached your job search goals and signed a job offer! It is completely self-paced online course so you can go through each part as you progress through your job search.
How long do I have access to the course?
How does lifetime access sound? After enrolling, you have unlimited access to this course for as long as you like - across any and all devices you own.
What if I am unhappy with the course?
No hard feelings! If you have completed at least 2 full modules within 14 days of your purchase and aren't 100% happy, I will be happy to issue you a full refund.
I'm really interested, but have some more questions
No problem - I'm here to answer them and I would love to hear from you! Email me any time at [email protected]. I will answer all questions personally.

A few closing thoughts

This is a big commitment but I know that it's worth it. Getting smarter about the job search is going to enable you to land better jobs and land them faster.

If you're not currently working and the tactics in this course help you to your next role one month sooner than you otherwise would, that's an enormous financial impact. If you're working and searching simultaneously, you already know what it's like to have limited time and can see the value in only spending time on what actually works.

Ultimately, if any part of this course helps you land a new role that makes you happier and more fulfilled at work, it is worth it.

I believe 100% in the value of this course, I've seen the results that this program has already given over 200 clients, and I will stand behind it with a money back guarantee. I'm also happy to answer any of your questions directly so email me anytime at [email protected].

Hope to see you in there! Jaime


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